Tiandra the Queen's Tramp is a Tier 2 Mysterious Explorer who Walks The Worlds with a Magic Flavor in a Modern Supernatural world played by Oli

Resisting Interrogation Or Tricks To Get You To Talk
Stealth Tasks
Light Weapons
Medium Weapons
Getting People To Believe Or Trust You
Heavy Weapons
I = inability, P = practiced, T = trained, S = specialized
I = hindered one step, T = eased one step, S = eased two steps
Mod Skill Pool Type Dmg
Light Weapon
-1 P S L 2
-1 P M L 2
Mod: -1 is eased one step; +1 is hindered one step
I = inability, P = practiced, T = trained, S = specialized
I = hindered one step, T = eased one step, S = eased two steps
Special Abilities
Costs 1 Intellect point
If you spend one minute examining a piece of writing or code in a language you do not understand, you can make an Intellect roll of difficulty 3 (or higher, based on the complexity of the language or code) to get the gist of the message. Action to initiate.
Trained Without Armor
You are trained in Speed defense tasks when not wearing armor. Enabler.
Fleet Of Foot
Costs 1+ Speed point
You can move a short distance as part of another action. You can move a long distance as your entire action for a turn. If you apply a level of Effort to this ability, you can move a long distance and make an attack as your entire action for a turn, but the attack is hindered. Enabler.
You're always curious about your surroundings, even on a subconscious level. Whenever you use Effort to attempt navigation, perception, or initiative tasks in an area that you've only rarely or never visited before, you can apply an additional free level of Effort. Enabler.
Danger Instinct
Costs 3 Speed points
If you are attacked by surprise, whether by a creature, a device, or simply an environmental hazard (a tree falling on you), you can move an immediate distance before the attack occurs. If moving prevents the attack, you are safe. If the attack can still potentially affect you-if the attacking creature can move to keep pace, if the attack fills an area too big to escape, etc. -the ability offers no benefit. Enabler.
Costs 2 Speed points
You slip your restraints, squeeze through the bars, break the grip of a creature holding you, pull free from sucking quicksand, or otherwise get loose from whatever is holding you in place. Action.
Glimpse The Outside
Costs 2 Intellect points
You gain a brief glimpse of several potential parallel worlds branching off from where you stand now. That glimpse provides information by showing you the results of several different actions you might take, allowing you to learn a bit more about something you can see. You get an asset on a task involving that person or object. Action.
Foil Danger
Costs 2 Intellect points
You negate one source of potential danger related to one creature or object that you are aware of within immediate distance for one round. This could be a weapon or device held by someone, a trap triggered by a pressure plate, or a creature's natural ability (something special, innate, and dangerous, like a dragon's fiery breath or a giant cobra's venom). You can also try to foil a foe's mundane action (such as an attack with a weapon or claw), so that the action isn't made this round. Make your roll against the level of the attack, danger, or creature. Action.
Detonation (Web) Level 8
Projects a small physical explosive up to a long distance away that explodes in an immediate radius and creates sticky strands of goo. PCs caught in the area must use a Might-based action to get out, with the difficulty determined by the cypher level. NPCs break free if their level is higher than the cypher level. (Rather than strands of sticky goo, some web detonations fill the area with a mass of quick-hardening foam that has the same result.) Manifest
Speed Boost Level 5
Adds 1 to the user's Speed Edge for one hour (adds 2 if the cypher is level 5 or higher). Subtle
Limit of 2
Appropriate clothing and a weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment.
You are a person of action and physical ability, fearlessly facing the unknown. You travel to strange, exotic, and dangerous places, and discover new things. This means you're physical but also probably knowledgeable. Although Explorers can be academics or well studied, they are first and foremost interested in action. They face grave dangers and terrible obstacles as a routine part of life.

The dark figure lurking silently in the corner? That's you. No one really knows where you came from or what your motives are-you play things close to the vest. Your manner perplexes and confounds others, but that doesn't make you a poor friend or ally. You're just good at keeping things to yourself, moving about unseen, and concealing your presence and identity.

Walks The Worlds

Choose how you became involved in the adventure:
  • You just showed up one day.
  • You convinced one of the other PCs that you had invaluable skills.
  • Some equally mysterious figure told you where to be and when (but not why) to join the group.
  • Something-a feeling, a dream-told you where to be and when to join the group.

You belong to an exclusive organization of Explorers whose existence is not widely known.
Pick one other PC. You inadvertently caused an accident that put them into a sleep so deep they didn't wake for three days. Whether they forgive you or not is up to them.
Possible player intrusions based on your character type:
Fortuitous Malfunction
A trap or a dangerous device malfunctions before it can affect you.

Serendipitous Landmark
Just when it seems like the path is lost (or you are), a trail marker, a landmark, or simply the way the terrain or corridor bends, rises, or falls away suggests to you the best path forward, at least from this point.

Weak Strain
The poison or disease turns out not to be as debilitating or deadly as it first seemed, and inflicts only half the damage that it would have otherwise.


Walk The Worlds
Tier 1: Walk Through Walls
      Dimensional Lore
Tier 2: Glimpse the Outside
Tier 3: Flicker, or
Tier 3: Greater Enhanced Potential
Tier 4: Dimensional Survey 
Tier 5: Untouchable
Tier 6: Into the Outside, or
Tier 6: Hard to Kill

Tier 1: Walk Through Walls (2 Intellect  points). 
The journey to the outside begins  slowly. You can pass through physical  barriers at a rate of 1 inch (3 cm) per round  (minimum of one round to pass through  any barrier). You can’t act (other than  moving) or perceive anything until you pass  entirely through the barrier. You can’t pass  through energy barriers. Action.

Dimensional Lore: You are trained in  tasks related to knowledge about alternate  dimensions. Enabler.

Tier 2: Glimpse the Outside (2 Intellect  points). 
You gain a brief glimpse of several  potential parallel worlds branching off  from where you stand now. That glimpse  provides information by showing you the  results of several different actions you  might take, allowing you to learn a bit more  about something you can see. You get an  asset on a task involving that person or  object. Action.

Tier 3: Flicker (4 Intellect points). 
For one  minute, you flicker back and forth between  where you are and a variety of random  dimensions. To everyone else, there is a  50% chance each round that you don’t  seem to exist between your actions, which  means you can’t be attacked if you happen  to be in combat. From your perspective,you get flashes of several dimensions  between your actions. Some dimensions  you glimpse are not much different than  where you started, but others risk mentally  unbalancing you. When the duration of this  ability elapses, you can attempt a difficulty 5  Intellect task to try to remember at least one  of the dimensions you flickered through. If  you get such a fix, you can use Dimensional  Survey or Into the Outside to go there again  (once you gain those abilities), should you  wish. Action to initiate.


Tier 3: Greater Enhanced Potential: You gain 6 points  to divide among your stat Pools however you  wish. Enabler.

Tier 4: Dimensional Survey (5+ Intellect  points). 
You step into an alternate  dimension and are able to remain there  for up to one hour before you are snapped  back, which inflicts 4 points of ambient  damage (your control over interdimensional  superficies isn’t perfect). If you want to stay,  you attempt to do so by making a difficulty 5  Intellect roll, which extends the time before  you snap back by another hour.
You must know that the destination  dimension exists; the GM will decide if  you have enough information to confirm  its existence and what level of difficulty is  required to reach it. Instead of applying  Effort to decrease the difficulty, you can  apply Effort to bring other people with  you; each level of Effort affects up to  three additional targets. You must touch  additional targets to allow them to come  with you. Action.

Tier 5: Untouchable (6 Intellect points). 
You  change your phase state for the next minute  so that you can’t affect or be affected by  normal matter or energy. Only mental  attacks and special transdimensional  energies, devices, or abilities can affect  you, but likewise you can’t attack, touch, or  otherwise affect anything. Action to initiate.

Tier 6: Into the Outside (8+ Intellect points).  
You step into an alternate dimension,  and are not subject to flickering or being  snapped back after a set duration. You must  know that the destination dimension exists;  the GM will decide if you have enough  information to confirm its existence and  what level of difficulty is required to reach it. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the  difficulty, you can apply Effort to bring other  people with you; each level of Effort affects  up to three additional targets. You must  touch additional targets to allow them to  come with you. Action.


Tier 6: Hard to Kill: You can choose to reroll any  defense task you make but never more than once  per round. Enabler.

Combat Challenge
available from Defends The Weak and Feigns No Fear
All attempted tasks that draw an attack to yourself (and away from someone else) are eased by two steps. Enabler. page 120 of Cypher System Rulebook